As part of my leadership role in The Microbiome Center, I am actively working to network microbiome centers throughout the US, the Microbiome Centers Consortium (MCC). Thanks to Jen Martiny and many others for a fantastic meeting on the University of Chicago campus in March 2022, supported by NSF, NIH, ONR, the Keck and Moore Foundation. If you are in a leadership position at a US Microbiome Center, contact me or Dr. Jen Martiny at UC Irvine (jmartiny at, who is keeping this network together.
See our publications inspired by the MCC:
2022. Pfister, C.A., Light, S. H. Bohannan, B., Schmidt, T., Martiny, A., Hynson, N.A., Devkota, S., David, L. Whiteson, K. Conceptual exchanges for understanding free-living and host-associated microbiomes. A perspective in mSystems e01374-21.
2020. Martiny, J.B.H., Whiteson, K.L., Bohannan, B.J.M., David, L.A., Hynson, N.A., McFall-Ngai, M., Rawls, J.F., Schmidt, T.M., Abdo, Z., Blaser, M.J., Bordenstein, S., Bréchot, C., Bull, C.T., Dorrestein, P., Eisen, J.A., Garcia-Pichel, F., Gilbert, J., Hofmockel, K.S., Holtz, M.L., Knight, R., Mark Welch, D.B., McDonald, D., Methé, B., Mouncey, N.J., Mueller, N.T., Pfister, C.A., Proctor, L., Sachs, J.L., 2020. The emergence of microbiome centres. Nature Microbiology 5, 2–3. ShareIt link.
Read about the MCC’s commentary about coordinating microbiome research on COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 in mSystems.

I co-direct the The Microbiome Center with Dr. David Mark Welch at the MBL. The Microbiome Center is collaborative network of scientists across the University of Chicago, The Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, and Argonne National Lab.
We join researchers from across our three institutions to promote the discovery and understanding of microbes.
Check out our workshops, symposia, and collaborative projects at The Microbiome Center